Thursday, 28 January 2010
The Power of Mac
There is a marked difference between a Techie and a Mac. I am never the former, always the latter. The only technology that interests me is sold via so-trendy-it-hurts technicolour advertising and arrives promptly in chic white, minimalist packaging.
It started with a pink mini ipod, which developed to a Classic, and finally peaked with the arrival of my beloved Macbook. Additions came in the form of a nano and a shuffle and it felt as though my Mac family was a complete and happy one. Obviously I hanker for an iphone, and rue the day I signed such a long contract for my current non-mac phone, but I know it is just a matter of time, and so I wait patiently.
Last night something amazing happened. My amazement is twofold.
1) Steve Jobs presented the Ipad to the world. A completely new media device that is neither phone nor laptop, but somewhere inbetween. It has the potential to revolutionise not only how we view all kinds of media, but also how we create, merge, present and undertsand it.
2) I am aware of a technological advancement on the day it is announced. And I'm pretty excited about it.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Another Place

Introducing Monty

A picture of happiness as Monty and I embrace.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Having all the luck
It's not that i don't like to be looked after, the complete opposite infact, but it just so happens that it's what I do best. Caring - in utterly domestic and mundane ways - is where I find meaning and comfort. I was told recently that I give the impression of perpetually needing something to look after. I had not recognised myself in those terms before, but the glimpse of myself through the eyes of another was eerily on point.
It started with hamsters. Perhaps eight years old. I picked him because he was golden and sleepy. I named him Dutty, and in the mornings I would wake up my nocturnal pet and pop him into my pyjama pocket. We would spend most weekends this way. I loved him dearly. The departure of Dutty saw the arrival of Rapunzel, another golden bundle of hamster joy - although this time less sleepy, and a fraction vicious. Rapunzel was an elegant creature, really quite beautiful with her bright red eyes and frothy, spun sugar fur. When Rapunzel made the journey to the great hamster cage in the sky, my heart broke. It was probably good for me.
Following a short but intense period of mourning, I found Mr Timothy Rhubarb Kipling, the third in my line of hamsters. I picked him because he was tri-colour, and had a dark brown S shape in his short soft fur. He was marked as mine. His fairly eccentric name reflects my thirteen or so years. My final hamster was Orlando Fernando. A king amongst hamsters. Athletic and acrobatic, he made several cunning escapes. He was dastardly and adventurous, razor sharp and quick witted - at least, that is how I remember him.
The time line of hamsters paused for a couple of goldfish (Steven and Harry Potter), two mice (Lizzie and Katie) and were the constant companions of my most missed and beloved pet, our dog Jackson. When the pets ran out, I filled the void with boyfriends. They tend to have similar life spans and not unsimilar characteristics: some sweet, some vicious, some sharp and most sleepy. All in all, not a bad bunch, and the joy always did outweigh the heartache.
My history through hamsters; a journey through my very own pet cemetery, if you will. And now I find myself without a pet, without a small furry friend to feed and water, cuddle and love. Luckily I have friends and a boyfriend who are more than happy to comply. Even luckier, I am embarking upon a weekend of complete spoiling, with the three people who manage to charm me into submission, and look after me in the best and most wonderful ways possible.
It will start with Katharine. My domestic goddess of a colleague and friend, who will be cooking up a whirl of winter treats for me tonight. It is a forgone conclusion that I will leave Katharine's abode feeling utterly gorged and serene. It will continue with Dan. A master of steak fajitas, an expert in cosy Italian restaurants and a budding connoisseur of hot baths and general care and fuss. Consider me spoilt rotten and smug in equal measures. The weekend of goodness will end with Rebecca and Gareth, endlessly indulgent, Rebecca even warms up a fluffy towel for me to fall into after a shower. The only person (my own fabulous mother obviously excluded) who I really allow to mother me.
I am learning to let myself be cared for, because what a waste it would be not to take advantage of the amazingly generous and spoiling people I have somehow managed to surround myself with. Today it feels as if I really do have all the luck.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
A Morning Person
I like being awake before everyone else. I like not having much time to fuss over my appearance. I like my footprints being amongst the first in the snow. I like wrapping up in cotton cardigans and coat, gloves, hat and scarf for the trudge to the station. Warm in soft layers, cosy against the cold and darkness.
I like being the first in the office, sometimes the building. I like that first hour of hot tea and quiet pottering with smatterings of newspaper reading, email sending and diary co-ordinating. I like that sometimes I am awake for over two hours before I've uttered a word.
I like weekdays. I like mornings. I like an awful lot about my life right now.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
A year which has started in the best possible way, a year which closes neatly on the one before it, a year that was hard. A year that was the making of me.
2009 drifted into 2010 seamlessly and beautifully. A holiday that began with three, and ended with two. A holiday which included an obscene amount of my favourite things. Long lazy days where you miss the daylight, long adventurous and indulgent days of shopping and dumplings. Many coffees, a few walks. A gold wall painting. My first American pancakes. Mulled wine, friends and overly competitive boardgames. 3D films and bad mexican, made wonderful by the right company. Ice Skating. Confessionals. Acceptance and Love.
I am so lucky. Not only because of all I have, but simply because I'm here. Because 2010 starts with me and will know me. I will try really hard not to forget this.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Curiouser and Curiouser!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010
I Miss Turkey
Cindy and Alan, armed with receipt and festive cheer.
The queue of turkey lovers on the way to the farm. Obligatory Christmas songs were played.
Nearly there!! Excitment reaches fever pitch as the 'bred to be wild' sign comes into view.
No, your eyes aren't deceiving you - that really is me with Mr Kelly, King of Turkeys, Breeder Extraordinaire. Without doubt my best celeb spot yet. Check out our matching Christmas grins.
The Kelly Bronze. Home safe and sound.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
My Favourite People
It's the little things that make you feel close to someone. Small intimacies, oddities and secrets. Things that don't matter, but matter to them, and to you.
Some of my favourite things about my favourite people.
His favourite colour is purple
She has Columbo on boxset
She can sing eternal flame without hitting a single right note
She likes watching other people eat cake
She loves the smell of launderettes
She plays the trumpet
He loves whipped cream
She owns over fifty dresses
She makes the best noodle soup in the world
He has an extraordinary collection of stolen pint and shot glasses
She's a cheerleader
She thinks David Tenant was the best ever Doctor Who
Her favourite genre of music is 90's boyband/girlband pop
She can walk in heels, roll a cigarette and talk on the phone at the same time
He hates spiders but will catch them for me, so I don't have to
She loves Dancing On Ice and always watches it with her mum