Friday, 20 November 2009

Megan Taylor

I am not a photographer. A sad truth.

I have only very recently acquired a camera, and harboured secret hopes that I would unearth an unknown talent, an eye for composition and visual insight. Not so much. My pictures do what they say on the tin, generally with dodgy lighting and the shadow of my thumb in the top left corner to boot.

This glaring failing has been brought to my attention by the talent of others - namely photographer Megan Taylor. Megan takes beautiful and arresting pictures, and is currently shooting a series of portraits for publication/future gallery exhibit. The first series features first time dads, and her second focuses on assistants to important/prominent people. This is where I come in, as I was lucky enough to take part with my PA partner in crime, Katharine. Check us out flouncing around in the big boss' office.

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