London was blessed with unusually glorious sunshine this weekend - makes the world of difference doesn't it? Simple tasks become pleasures and time is oh so easily spent lounging when the sky is blue and the sun is on your back.
And I got off to the best of starts. I left work early (my boss taking pity on my longing looks out of the window) and dashed home to get ready for the arrival of some of my nearest and dearest friends, who were all gracing chez Deeks and Clapham's finest danceries for Lucy's Birthday. I met Lucy six years ago now, within an hour of arriving at university for the first time - a blonde cheerleader from Manchester with legs up to her armpits - it is impossible to ignore her charms and we have been friends ever since.
Friends tend to fall in to different categories, home friends/family friends/work friends/school friends.... and of course university friends. Friends you are thrown together with by chance, friends you will live with, succeed with and make massive, all emcompassing mistakes with. Friends you will get into the most mischief with - friends you will have the most fun with. University friends are a special breed, and I really hit gold with mine.
Friday night we reverted to Freshers once again - mixing drinks, singing in cabs, dancing in clubs and can-canning all the way to McDonald's at 3 o'clock in the morning. Not sophisticated, not grown-up, and definitely not very Vogue. Not a thing I would change for all the money in the world.
Personalised Birthday cake - courtesy of cake-maker extraordinaire Jess

Drinks and presents - post cake, pre burger.

Moments before the infamous can can...

The way all truly epic nights should end...We made it large.
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