Tuesday 27 April 2010

Thankfully, a Mouse.

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting baby Matilda, the first child of my dear friends Rebecca and Gareth. Obviously she is divine, with an easy temperament, English rose complexion and a shock of red locks.

I remember reading once that babies are born into one of two categories, as either Pig or Mouse. A mouse baby is perfectly proportioned with small, delicate features. A Mouse baby will sleep contently in your arms, with only the sweetest of yawns escaping its lips.

We have all experienced the shock of peeking into a pram to discover a Pig baby. With stifled gasp and look of horror one must pretend that the Pig in question is not a bulbous pink creature, puffy and shouty and angry looking. It is advised to make pleasantries and move away quickly - before your cover is blown.

I am so very pleased to report that Matilda is most definitely and definitively a Mouse.

A bundle of Joy

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